Debut show from circus theatre company Brainfools. A young business man struggles with the demands of city life. After losing his job he takes his frustrations out on a group of city pigeons. Karma returns on him and the young man finds himself turned into a pigeon! He learns about the playful world of a misunderstood animal.​​​​​​​
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
Photo by Alex Storey @alexstoreyfilm
The concept for Lucky Pigeon was based on a quirky narrative and design aesthetic. The music was to bolster this quirkiness, with humorous samples of human impressions of pigeons and playful synth sounds arranged in a musical way that would lead the audience through the emotional journey of our protagonist.

The composition for Lucky Pigeon benefitted from an interactive process. I brought various samples and ideas to the rehearsal room and the majority of it was assembled there. The music grew with the movement, both forms influencing each other as they developed. Ableton Live is music production software that's designed to be used for performance. The ability to approach computer-based composition like playing an instrument enabled this collaborative process. Interfacing with midi controllers equipped me with a broad palette of sounds at my fingertips, making my process responsive and immediate. 

Following the rehearsal period, I arranged, mixed and mastered the compositions, formatting them in a way that required minimal and simple operation from QLab.

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